Games Monitor

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Circus Field - Bring on the Clowns!

The circus goes on! Having elicited the information from Greenwich Council's Senior Planning Solicitor that the ODA had requested that the LDA purchase Blackheath Circus Field on its behalf, NOGOE's Rachel Mawhood was surprised by the response from the ODA to a Freedom of Information request submitted on 20th December 2011 in which she had written:

'I understand, LOCOG intends to use the Olympics Act 2006 somehow to circumvent the 1866 and 1871 legislation to empower themselves to enclose Circus Field in 2012.

Which part of the Olympics Act says that it can be used to over-ride the Metropolitan Commons Act 1866 and Supplemental Act 1871?'

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Glasgow Commonwealth Games land deals under investigation

Following the eviction of the Jaconellis from their home to make way for the Glasgow Commonwealth Games questions are finally being asked about land deals which netted property developers millions of pounds in profit.

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Dow: London's 2012 Perfect Olympic Sponsor

By Mike Wells , posted 29th December 2011, edited 11th January 2012Campaigners Against DowCampaigners Against Dow

A recent sponsorship deal has seen the London Organising Committee for the Olympic Games accept money from Dow Chemical. Dow will provide a fabric "wrap" which will be placed around London's Olympic stadium.

According to Britain's Guardian newspaper the wrap's purpose is to reduce wind inside the stadium.  But, as the metaphor says ...

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Witness delivers letter to Olympics Organisers on Rio Evictions


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LOCOG: paper promises, no real change

From Labour Behind The Label

As part of the Playfair 2012 campaign we've been lobbying the London Games organisers (LOCOG) to ensure workers making garments and merchandise for the Olympics have their rights respected. And on paper we've had reasonable success. But problems arise when we dig deeper.

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Dow 'mistake' could be a 'disaster'

Ted Jeory, one of the few journalists to pick up on the radioactive contamination of the London Olympic Park, has reported that London 2012 is seriously concerned at the head of steam building up in India over the deal which allowed Dow to sponsor the Olympic stadium. 'Senior sources', not just 'sources', are reported as saying the deal was a 'mistake' which it seems they are finding it difficult to wriggle out of.

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fortunes always hiding

Fantastic news for the Irons, though perhaps no better as yet for the Os. (West Ham to be the 'winter tenant'?)
Olympic Stadium deal with West Ham collapses

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How annoying! Hypocrites, er, sponsors can use ORN lanes!

Bizarrely, Transport Secretary Philip Hammond has had a go at Coca Cola, Olympic sponsors for 85 years, for deciding to bus their employees and guests to Stratford. Others have condemned them for breaking the 'Olympic Spirit'!

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Keep right ORN....more fines, flashmobs and even guerrilla solicitors

Regarding London's Olympic Overload, @matthewBeard reports that Greenwich is upping the stakes on ORN fines by applying for the right to charge £1000, while other Boroughs are also seeking higher fees for recovering towed-away vehicles, taking their charges over the £500 in place at present.

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