Torygraph Poll: No 'Worthwhile Legacy'
The Torygraph
Submitted by Julian Cheyne on Tue, 10/01/2012 - 16:01.
Blog | 2012 Legacy | 2012 Media | Legacy | London 2012
Dow: London's 2012 Perfect Olympic Sponsor
By Mike Wells , posted 29th December 2011, edited 11th January 2012
A recent sponsorship deal has seen the London Organising Committee for the Olympic Games accept money from Dow Chemical. Dow will provide a fabric "wrap" which will be placed around London's Olympic stadium.
According to Britain's Guardian newspaper the wrap's purpose is to reduce wind inside the stadium. But, as the metaphor says ...
Submitted by Mike Wells on Mon, 19/12/2011 - 15:10.
Article | Radioactivity | 2012 Business | 2012 Sustainability | Corruption & Ethics | Environment | Finance | Funding | Health | Human Rights | IOC | Legacy | London 2012 | Sponsors
luvly jubbly
Via Twitter in a convo with @NOGOE2012:
@jennifermjones: This is a legacy chart from the DCMS evaluation document for legacy of London 2012? #wtf: http://yfrog.com/h3ye9yp
Submitted by Steve Dowding on Mon, 03/10/2011 - 21:17.
Blog | 2012 Legacy | Government | Legacy | London 2012
London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games Impacts and Legacy Evaluation Framework
Department for Culture, Media and Sport
London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games Impacts and Legacy Evaluation Framework Final Report, 2009
Submitted by Steve Dowding on Mon, 03/10/2011 - 20:59.
Document Archive | 2012 Legacy | Government | Legacy | London 2012
Former Minister Dick finally notices lack of sports legacy
Another 2012 Games promoter, former Sports Minister Richard Caborn, has suddenly woken up to the fact that the 2012 Olympics are not delivering benefits claimed for them! Benefits which of course he was one of the keenest to claim. It's taken sleepy head a long time to notice what even the somnolent Commission for a Sustainable London 2012 noticed back in March while the Coalition managed to spot that things weren't going to plan over a year ago.
Submitted by Julian Cheyne on Mon, 26/09/2011 - 01:56.
Blog | 2012 Sport | Legacy | London 2012
No 2012 opportunity for sports clubs - 'not a surprise'
84% of 2000 sports clubs in a survey conducted by the Sport and Recreation Alliance do not expect any benefit from London hosting the Games. 'We are disappointed that 84 per cent of clubs do not see the Olympic and Paralympic Games as an opportunity,' said Chief executive of the Sport and Recreation Alliance, Tim Lamb. 'However, this does not come as a surprise. We've been highlighting just how vital legacy is to the future of sports clubs.'
Submitted by Julian Cheyne on Mon, 12/09/2011 - 22:59.
Article | 2012 Legacy | 2012 Sport | Legacy | Mega Events
Raiders of Pudding Mill Stadium
The Pudding Mill White Elephant just won't lie down. CoeLtd is still hoping to bring the 2017 IAAF World Athletics Championships to London. But it all depends on there being an available stadium. After all it's hard to hold an Athletics Championships without one. LoCoe has his own IAAF ambitions with the next milestone in 2015 when he hopes to succeed to the top job. The loss of a stadium could prove terminal to those ambitions.
Submitted by Julian Cheyne on Mon, 05/09/2011 - 04:06.
Article | 2012 Finance | Coe | Corruption & Ethics | Economics | Legacy | London 2012 | Newham | Regeneration
When the Games Come to Town: Host Cities and the Local Impacts of the Olympics - M Smith
A report on the impacts of the Olympic Games and Paralympics on host cities
Dr Mary Smith
London East Research Institute Working Papers
December 2008
Submitted by Charles Batsworth on Sat, 03/09/2011 - 11:07.
Document Archive | 2012 Legacy | 2012 Sustainability | 2012 Transport | Legacy | Regeneration | Social Housing
world class downgrade
There'd've been more than a little hype about the 2010 Winter Olympics contributing to maintaining Vancouver's hallowed status not just as a 'world class city' but as the world's most 'liveable'? Whilst there's no specific mention of any Olympics effect, it's been downgraded according to The Economist.
Submitted by Steve Dowding on Fri, 02/09/2011 - 14:42.
Blog | Legacy | Regeneration | Vancouver 2010
Dirty Lying Railway Extension
Yet again the Olympics claims as a legacy a project which had been under consideration years before the Games were even thought of. Conniving in this deceit the BBC describes the new DLR connection between Canning Town and Stratford International as a 'new £211m DLR extension connecting Olympic Venues'. BoJo and the ODA's Hugh Sumner are then given the opportunity to claim it as a legacy.
Submitted by Julian Cheyne on Thu, 01/09/2011 - 01:38.
Article | 2012 Transport | Legacy | Public transport | Railways | Transport