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Hackney Wick residents complain about noise and dust from the Olympic Park

Residents in Hackney Wick have protested at the dust and noise being produced from the Olympic Park. The statement reproduced below was sent on Sunday 6th July to Boris Johnson, the Mayor of London, David Higgins, Chief Executive of the ODA and Sebastian Coe, along with other relevant officials and representatives, by Sona Abantu-Choudhury on behalf of the Leabank Square Residents Association about the disturbance being caused by work on the Olympic site.

Hi all at the London Olympics

My name is Sóna Abantu-Choudhury – and I live at 71 Leabank Square, Berkshire Road, Hackney Wick, E9 5LR – just over the River Lea from your site. I represent the Residents Association of Leabank Square – and as such are writing on behalf of all the residents.

I have written previously about the noise & dust levels coming over the river into Leabank Square – and your highly professional team of public relations experts have always managed to explain the levels away (wind blowing in wrong direction, acceptable noise equivalent to a highway, etc)

I fear this has simply made the construction workers completely unaware of the effect they are having on the lives of Leabank Square residents.

This is proved by the fact that the noise & dust levels have got much worse!!

There is minimal dust suppression by water (a token single truck once a day may make you feel better about it – but it certainly does not stop all the dust flying over to us) & the construction noise now starts at 7.00am and lasts until 10.00pm.

What we would like to know for once & for all the 4 more years – is just what exactly are the working hours going to be? Are you intending to give us any weekends to enjoy noise free? Could you please buy more water trucks to dust down the huge amounts of sand coming over? Are we allowed access to the data taken from the noise & dust monitors placed in Leabank Square?

Please - remember that by far the majority of residents are wholly in favour of the Olympics & its legacy - & we want to keep it that way.

Please DO NOT send this email to your nice people in your Public Relations dept – I would like a senior Olympic official to answer this.



This is not the first time residents have protested about the impact of work arising from the Olympics. There are already stories relating to contamination at the Eastway and the demolition of the Park Village and Clays Lane estates on the Games Monitor website. Sona makes it plain he has already raised this issue with the ODA without result and has found residents’ complaints are simply batted away by ‘public relations experts’ who refer to ‘wind blowing in the wrong direction’ or ‘acceptable noise levels’. It is unclear whether the residents at Leabank Square are aware of the contaminants on the Eastway and other Olympic sites or whether the ODA has informed them of these.

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